'In her prime' is a choreorobotics performance by Catie Cuan created as part of her Futurist-in-Residence appointment at the Smithsonian Art and Industries Building FUTURES exhibition. This performance was the first robot dance performance in the history of the Smithsonian and made a world premiere on July 6th, 2022.
'In her prime' is created in collaboration with roboticists Eric Rosen and Max Merlin. Moving human and robot bodies exchange and intensify stark, percussive gestures in an atavistic ceremony. Parallel and often opposing concepts of death/rebirth, idea/reality, and humans/technology are experienced through a kinetic "cave painting". How far are we from our previous selves and what does nature mandate for us?
‘In her prime’ was performed by Lisa Einstein, Willia Noel Montague, and Catie Cuan. This piece is produced by the Smithsonian AIB, Sydney Skybetter of the Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces and Stefanie Tellex of the Humans to Robots Laboratory at Brown University, with video editing and capture by Michael Delaurier, music by KLOAQ Audio Design, and additional support from Madeline Greenberg and Cameron Scoggins.